If you are experiencing any of the issues below, please call our office. Our team will try to fit you in to the best of our ability. We are not a 24 hour emergency hospital, if your pet requires overnight care, we can stabilize your pet then transfer them to a 24 hour facility.
List of urgent issues are:
- Vomiting, Diarrhea
- Lethargy/lack of energy
- Eye injuries
- Ears: scratching, discharging, odor, shaking head
- Trauma (wounds and cuts)
- worms in stool
- Skin infection: scratching,fleas, itchy
- Fever
- Limping
- Vaginal discharge
- Seizure
- Inability to urinate
- Straining to urinate, blood in urine, urinate outside of the litter box,
- ingestion of foreign object
- ingestion of toxin or poison
- cat in contact with lily